7 Steps to Build Donor Personas for More Effective Fundraising
6) Plan donor engagement around your personas
Different personas require distinct messaging, and that’s precisely why you’ve created them. Based on your research and persona profiles, tailor your fundraising operations to align with each persona’s preferences and interests. This includes selecting the appropriate social media platforms for outreach.
Sample considerations:
Which persona is an ideal candidate for your Giving Tuesday campaign?
Which persona would respond best to a mobile-friendly email with an online donation form link?
What impact stories will resonate with each persona?
Which event invitations will pique their interest?
7) Prioritize donor communication based on persona
Determine how your personas will influence your communication workflow and prioritize interactions accordingly. Major donors might receive personalized phone calls and Zoom chats, while new donors could be offered facility tours and volunteer opportunities.
Sample considerations:
How will you communicate with major donors, and who will handle these interactions?
What engagement opportunities will you offer to new donors?
Which staff members will reach out to donors, such as the Executive Director or Development Director?
Are there personas that respond well to text messages?
Building donor personas may seem labor-intensive, but it significantly increases your chances of capturing and maintaining your donors’ attention. By fostering genuine connections with each donor segment, your nonprofit can inspire more profound engagement and achieve greater impact together. And with the aid of a constituent relationship management system and fundraising tools, your organization can embrace donor personas as a powerful fundraising strategy. Personalization will no longer be an elusive goal but a reality that drives your nonprofit’s success.
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