Knowing Your Audience: 4 Tips for Growing Your Donor Base
Published May 18, 2021
By Sarah Tedesco, Executive Vice President at DonorSearch Developing your donor base and overall support network is a critical aspect for encouraging organizational growth. As a nonprofit, you want to do more for your constituents and make a greater impact on your community—but doing so doesn’t come cheap. In other words, if you want to […]

Do You Have the Guts to Blow Things Up?
Published May 17, 2021
By Rick Dunham, CEO at Dunham+Company Years ago I wrote a blog on the gravitational pull of mediocrity. My point was that the natural pull for an organization was toward mediocrity not excellence or success. In reality, success requires hard, intentional and often disruptive work that rattles the status quo. That’s why I believe one […]

Disruption and the Future of Higher Education and Advancement
Published May 3, 2021
By Dr. Karen Baldwin, Senior Consultant at Lighthouse Counsel With a pandemic, a national reckoning with social injustice and political turmoil, the past year has brought what might seem like an unholy trinity when it comes to disruption in the status quo. No segment of society, business or community has gone untouched, including higher education […]

Making the Ask – Even Virtually
Published April 30, 2021
By Victoria Dietz, Vice President at The Curtis Group Can you ask for a major gift via phone or over a video chat? Just over a year ago, this would not have been a strategy recommended by a seasoned fundraiser. However, the shutdown has rewritten the rule book for major gift asks and shown that […]

7 Critical Roles You Need on Your Capital Campaign Team
Published April 19, 2021
By Aly Sterling, founder and president of Aly Sterling Philanthropy All nonprofit fundraising efforts require the coordination and support of strong teams to help them succeed, and this is especially true of capital campaigns. Capital campaigns are intense fundraising periods that span multiple years and are meant to achieve a substantial, significant goal for your […]

Look Before You Leap Into Diaspora Funding
Published February 24, 2021
There is a gulf between the optimism of many nonprofits seeking funding from diaspora groups and the reality of just how challenging this can be. Before we take the leap and invest time, effort and cash, let’s explore the attraction of this funding stream, the real-life challenges, and ten practical things we can do to […]

Gratitude is Power
Published February 23, 2021
As Development and Fundraising Counsel, our clients are often focused only on fundraising goals. In our role we have a duty to remind them of their superpower that, when used strategically, can change hearts and change the world through increased contributions. That power: showing gratitude to donors. Arthur Alley offers the strategies below. Please share […]

Developing New Donor Strategies as Your Nonprofit Grows
Published February 22, 2021
We all know how much nonprofits rely on fundraising to further their missions. It’s important to build relationships with your existing donors to facilitate long-term support and loyalty to your cause, but in order to grow as an organization, you’ll have to also expand your donor base over time. Doing so will increase your fundraising […]

The Importance of Data Governance in Remote Fundraising Operations
Published February 15, 2021
In the era of big data, many nonprofits are recognizing the important role data governance plays in supporting key fundraising strategy and informing data-driven decision making. Data governance encompasses an overarching system designed to effectively manage data and the corresponding policies, procedures, and practices surrounding that data. In this way, a comprehensive data governance program […]