Achieving Clear Messaging During Capital Campaigns: 5 Steps

Published June 27, 2023

By Aaron Dahlstrom, Vice President of Digital Marketing at Graham-Pelton During a capital campaign, nonprofits use a variety of in-person and online fundraising strategies to invite donors of all giving levels to contribute to a large-scale project. An important part of promoting your capital campaign to potential donors, volunteers, and supporters is unifying your mission […]

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Donor Confidence Continues to Decline as Economy Takes Toll

Published June 20, 2023

By Rick Dunham, Founder + Chairman of Dunham + Company In our latest Donor Confidence Study, donors indicated that they are continuing to pull back and are feeling a significant degree of pessimism about the economy. The volatility of the stock market, inflation, and other factors are taking a toll, and the latest data points […]

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How to Engage Corporate Volunteers at Your Nonprofit

Published June 6, 2023

By Aly Sterling, President and Founder of Aly Sterling Philanthropy As corporate philanthropy grows in popularity, your nonprofit has a great opportunity to expand its volunteer base. Corporate volunteering can be an effective way for your organization to tap into a specific skill set and get much-needed support to advance your mission—from increasing the number […]

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Strong Donor Communication Starts with Knowing What Matters to Them

Published May 15, 2023

By: DonorSearch Fundraisers face two big questions daily: whom do we contact, and what should we say? Far too often, nonprofits struggle with both queries. A recent article in the Chronicle of Philanthropy criticizes nonprofits for relying on “vanity metrics” in communications to their donor community, a direct result of this struggle. DonorSearch solves this […]

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Making the Right Choice for Processing Offline Gifts: In-House or Lockbox/Caging?

Published May 9, 2023

By James Cowen, CEO of Aqubanc Processing offline gifts is a crucial aspect of fundraising for many organizations. The decision to handle it in-house or outsource it to a Lockbox/Caging operation can have significant implications. Nonprofits rely heavily on donations, especially those made offline. While online donations have become the norm in recent years, there […]

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From spark to sustainability: translating your nonprofit’s moment in the spotlight into long-term impact

Published May 1, 2023

By: Bonterra We’ve all seen it happen: A significant local, national, or world event takes place, and our attention is drawn to those communities most in need. And often, at the helm of addressing these needs sits a nonprofit. Thanks to a high volume of attention and traffic, folks rush to support this organization. The […]

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Maximizing Your Direct Mail ROI: 3 Essential Data-Driven Tactics for Success

Published April 25, 2023

By Dan Stevens, Co-Founder, SVP of Business Development & Operations at Windfall Data As prevalent as digital-first approaches and second screening have become, direct mail still plays a critical role in the marketing mix for many nonprofits. Direct mail’s staying power is driven by its superior response rates, which, according to DMA, can be up […]

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The 5 W’s of Board Membership

Published April 24, 2023

By Derek Alley , CFRE, Co-Founder and President of Arthur Alley board [noun]: a group of persons having managerial, supervisory, investigatory, or advisory powers The board. Whether its members serve as directors, trustees or advisors, a board can be a huge asset or an even bigger liability. Many times, the root of dissatisfaction with an […]

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Fundraising for Complex Social Issues: How to transform challenging social issues into effective fundraising opportunities

Published April 17, 2023

By Richard Tollefson, founder and president of The Phoenix Philanthropy Group Inspiring donors and raising philanthropic support for society’s most complex issues – those that cannot be solved by philanthropy alone and where positive impact may not be realized for years – is a challenge facing nonprofits worldwide. Homelessness is one case in point. Those […]

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